Happy New Year Everyone firstly! Can’t quite believe it’s 2019... does this mean the worlds still ending next year? I hope not - still so much to do! I just wanted to write a small post about what to expect this year (fitness classes / kids term) plus a few changes to the way things are done - to make my life (and hopefully your life) a little easier! I’ll keep it short! Firstly, the new kids dance term is starting back up this week commencing Saturday 12th January and running for 12 weeks...same times and same venues. Please check the website for venue information. (The Maidenhall classes will not be running during the half term) Please do book on or try and make sure you bring your child to as many classes as possible! Not many dance companies do a PAYG system anymore (mainly because they don’t get the commitment they need to be able to put on performances / shows / competitions) yet I still kept the PAYG option for those that can’t afford to pay for the term in one lump sum. However last terms attendance was probably the worst it’s ever been with several children missing weeks at a time and then turning up on the last few lessons and not knowing any of the choreography or routines; ready to show parents at the end of the term! The PAYG option doesn’t really help me at all - it’s there to help everyone else out and I don’t want to take it away. After this term I plan to reevaluate the system and may have to either increase the PAYG price OR have parents pay in instalments? What are your thoughts on this? Maybe you have an idea? Let me know! FITNESS CLASSES!!
Now is the time to start! Dance yourself fit - stuff the gym! The fitness classes (including a new class starting up in Gainsborough!) are starting from next week too! Again all information is on the website (under dance classes!) DANCE DOMINATION TWO?.. After the HUGE success of “Dance Domination” I’ve been asked to put on another kids show USING the kids I teach from all over Suffolk. The set up would be the same however the rehearsals would be longer / there would be a bigger fee to be apart of this show as it cost me HUGELY last year and I’d like to put on a couple of shows. If you think your child would be interested, again, let me know! POP GOES... Thanks to everyone who supported “The troupes” last few performance of either “Poptastic”, “Pop Goes Xmas” and more recently “Pop Goes Decades” - it really meant so much to have so many people there supporting us. If you wanted to re watch it DVDs are available in the shop! :)
Any ideas for what we could do next? ;) Lastly, a couple of changes - - if your child is more than 15 minutes late for a class we do have the right to refuse entry (mainly because of health and safety with warming up and insurance!) We understand accidents happen and everyone’s late at some point! But please just let us know! - Promo photos and videos WILL be taken over the duration of this term, if this is a serious problem for anyone PLEASE let us know ASAP - We encourage children to wear something they feel comfortable in to express themselves HOWEVER open toe shoes, flip flops, heels of any kind, roller trainers are not permitted in the dance studio. Also please do not bring your child into a “Just Jay Dance” class wearing another dance companies uniform! It doesn’t look too good in photos! (Yes we’ve had that a few times) - Feedback! If any parents or attendees of fitness classes have any ideas or questions please don’t hesitate to ask us or email. - Justjaydance@hotmail.com We’ll always try and help wherever possible!
We have a couple of BIG surprises coming and you guys will be the first to know when it’s confirmed. Trust me... Happy new year everyone and really hope 2019 is just as good, if not better than 2018! Much Love Jay xx