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  • Writer's pictureJay Austin


WOW - What a MENTAL 2 days....

It started from Saturday morning with doing my usual classes and then heading to the Regent to see the "POPTASTIC!" set for the first time plus try marking out positions. We only had a couple of hours as we were due at I.T.F.C to warm up 2200 people for the MIDNIGHT walk! It was epic...people all dressed in NEON GEAR dancing and partying with us! It was so much better this year - and a lot more organised!

We did a couple of songs from "POPTASTIC!" although we only had 30 SEATS left to sell!

Myself and the girls rotated on the podiums throughout the arrival of the walkers and the headed to the huge lorry to perform our set! We made it into the paper again for the third year running and the feedback was amazing!

Then the ciaos started!

Sunday morning - we all met up for breakfast and then headed to the theatre to do a complete dress run. I forgot a whole costumes change and sang "One Direction" in my Justin Bieber outfit - some girls forgot what side to come on stage and missed the cues, lines were forgotten, some costumes fell apart but overall it didn't go too bad! Which is a worry as usually a bad dress rehearsal means a good show!

While this was going on - kids started arriving - questions were hitting me from all angles - I didn't have my hair or stage make-up done or have my costumes set till 5 minutes before our show started. It was crazy! I was worried about some of the children not remembering their routines but they all managed to pull it out of the bag! I was so proud of them!

Then it was our show - the countdown started and the performance began - and I can honestly say it was amazing. Everything came together, everyone pulled together, no one forgot anything major, all cues were made on time and the audience were SO LOUD! It was by far one of the greatest shows I've ever done and all the hard work paid off. The Ipswich Regent staff were phenomenal and I thank Shelley and her amazing team for all the hard work and strings they pulled to make our show as big as it was!

Thank you so much for you're support, those that came! It meant so much to have you all there cheering us on! I am already having people ask me "When is the next one....!" - After honestly I have no idea!

There is a DVD of the performance with some added extras, backstage video, interviews and the whole performance - so if you want a copy head on over to the shop!

Thanks again to everyone who made "POPTASTIC!" possible - leaflets, photographpy, videography, hair and make up, costumes, help backstage, chaparones, the kids, the parents, the friend and our family...thank you!

Much Love

Jay x x

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