This probably isn’t going to be suitable for children - so maybe don’t read aloud. What a year it's been! Not only with the confusion of venues at the start of the year, the intense rehearsals for "Dance Domination" and finally our show "Pop goes Christmas!" but also the highest amount of brand new kids / adults that have joined us in 2017! Every year passes and (probably like most other people) you look back and think “where the hell was March/April/May?” - it seems to go January, February, July....then Christmas! So much has happened this year for me - good and bad. I’ve had quite a few personal struggles and walls to climb whilst also finding my feet with a few things. I don’t want to dwell on the bad but don’t want to skip over it. So I’ll break a few bits down.. good and (we’ll say tricky) This year I wanted to put on a children’s production and a Christmas show. Both which I did and were hugely successful. I was (and still am!) immensely proud of all the kids that took part within the show as well as “my girls” and small team of helpers that gave me the encouragement to carry on when I felt like stopping. The assisting, the shows and the last minute gigs we get - I thank you ALL for your hard work and faith in JJD. Ryan - you’ve been a star this year helping me no end too. Thank you x The memories of “the shows” that JJD have achieved this year with the help of the girls, some of my family, most of my friends, the parents and kids were some of the biggest highlights of 2017 for me.
Thank you x Travelling to more amazingly beautiful places this year is something I plan to do more of next year too. I urge you ALL to go out and see the beautiful world. There is so much more to life than “Ipswich” and “Suffolk”... This year I also took a step back from some people - so called “friends” - people I always text, always call, always visit or TRY and arrange to meet up with. It was interesting to see those that took a step forward to me and those that didn’t move. I don’t believe in “finding time” - you MAKE time for people who you care about. I get tired of hearing the same old excuses. It doesn’t have to be every day or week or even every month.. but what’s a text message to say “Hey Jay, Good Luck...” or “Hey Jay, how are you?” Friends that COULD have supported my shows, COULD have stopped by for a cuppa, COULD have text me (when it wasn’t about wanting something off me) People change - I get that...but at least have the decency to tell me you’re not interested in catching up than wasting my time. The same with attending classes - don’t say each week “I’m coming” and then don’t show. Just be honest? Talking of wasting my time, it was interesting which parents hounded me to get their child to the front of “Dance Domination” or have rehearsals revolve around them...yet didn’t show us any support for “Pop Goes Xmas”. Obviously SOME genuinely couldn’t make it (that’s absolutely fine) - but it was amusing seeing “friends” trip over their forgotten excuses they’d told me before. It hasn’t been forgotten... It was also interesting this year hearing how other dance “companies” had told their students they cannot “Dance for Just Jay” because of loyalty to them - again, that just showed me how far I’ve come. I’m now competition for them. Bring it! It was also “funny” that after 6 years of LOYAL service to a certain “high profile” gym - they decided to “let me go” 2 weeks before Christmas, after the street dance class that they don’t advertise or support surprisingly lost members. What annoys me even more is a member of staff (not my manager) told me in a child’s stock cupboard.....and only a month before this chat, I’d already said I wanted to quit as had felt like a glorified babysitter to kids that didn’t even want to dance, instead dropped off by parents that were more interested in free child care and “working out” - but was told.... (begged) to stay as it would get better... the place is a joke. The year 2017 has also been a great year for learning curves (for instance)
Reheating Chinese is not a good idea
Working with children under 2 is A LOT different to 3 year olds
I know how to make slime
Children don’t understand deadlines
The “Rucksack” is now a dance
“Steps” are still awesome
Never to set up a parent group chat again - EVER
“Happy” by Pharrel does NOT make me happy
To turn OFF predictive text on emails BEFORE you send them (I wished several companies Happy New Tw*t)
Always wear appropriate underwear while wearing a power rangers morph suit
Don’t do Facebook “live” while on holiday in a naked resort in Gay pride.
Don’t invite Jehovah witnesses to a Christmas show.
I know I can moan, waffle on, bitch about the odd person or job (if you’re one of the lucky ones to catch my “rants”) I do really love my life and while I’m here writing this, reminiscing, sat in my grans spare room in Leicester; it has made me reflect on this year and what I’ve achieved. What I’m going to do and what I NEED to do next year.
I’ve lost some friends and gained some amazing new ones. This year I plan to filter a few more out and bring some new energy back into my life. Some people are just plain arseholes - some people don’t even mean to be. But the best thing we can do (as my Gran says) “Jamie, just be tolerant of other people, because people are stupid... and be kind” On that note... Happy Christmas, Happy New YEAR... Much Love Jay x x